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Restoration works in the Gallery of the Kings
011 44 06 903
From Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The Gallery of Kings houses large statues of pharaohs and gods: a unique collection composed of statues found in the Karnak Temple Complex at Thebes (today’s Luxor) between 1817–1818. The entire museum is undergoing a major change in 2024, designed to celebrate the bicentenary of the Museo Egizio.  The two rooms that form the Gallery of Kings are currently being redesigned and restoration work is being conducted on the statues. 

For the first time since the arrival of the statues in Turin in 1824, the new installation – designed by the architectural firm OMA – proposes a display that reflects the original purposes of the statues and how they were placed in Egyptian temples, their original environment.   The aim is to present the statues as they were seen in their contexts of origin. The public will feel as if they are entering an ancient temple: from the long avenue of sphinxes that led to the entrance, completely bathed in sunlight, to the rooms dedicated to gods and pharaohs, which were darker and more private.

The new display will make it possible to fully appreciate the monumental nature of the statues, which will once again be the key focus in both galleries.  The previous display created by set designer Dante Ferretti was conceived to be temporary in 2006 and was much loved by visitors. It is being documented and will soon be available to explore online.

On January 18th, restoration works started in the Gallery of the Kings, involving the de-restoration and movement of some statues. From Monday, April 8, the Gallery is closed to the public.
011 44 06 903
From Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.