Through Tutankhamun’s Eyes: Alternative Perspectives on Egyptology

For the anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb, from 4th November 2022 until 28th January 2023, the Museo Egizio hosts a contemporary art exhibition with the works of Sara Sallam (1991), an emerging Egyptian artist residing in the Netherlands.

Three different art projects will be exhibited: A Tourist Handbook for Egypt Outside of Egypt, a tourist guide about the streets of Paris commemorating the places and battles of the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt which gives an alternative historical narrative to the dominant, Western, one; Home Outside of Home, a series of prints in which antique objects appear decontextualized in European cities and express all their nostalgia for their places of origin; and I Prayed For The Resin Not To Melt, a video installation in which the artist transports us to the tomb of Tutankhamun, at the moment of the discovery, in such a way to turn upside down the perspective to which we are used to, the mythical Western narrative of the discovery, focusing our attention on hearing rather than seeing the pharaoh's treasures.

The exhibition is curated by Sara Sallam and Paolo Del Vesco, curator of the Museo Egizio.

Free admission. The exhibition can be accessed both from the outside (via Maria Vittoria 3/M) and from the main entrance (via Accademia delle Scienze  6) of the museum.

Exhibition opening hours: Monday from 9 AM to 1 PM; Tuesday-Sunday from 9 AM to 5:30 PM; Saturday 5th November, for the Notte delle Arti, from 9 AM to 8 PM. Closed: 15th, 30th November, 6th December.